If you have an interest in instrument flying then PPL IR Europe is your organisation. It has been effective in lobbying for positive change and has saved existing IR holders significant sums of money. It provides a bi-monthly magazine plus a website and forum that can support and inform your training and subsequent flying. It can in effect be your in house training captain and operations department. A modest subscription gives you access to all of these resources and an active, friendly group of like-minded pilots. All of this is the result of voluntary individual efforts. Please join and contribute your knowledge, experience and subscription so that we can continue to be your voice and serve you, other instrument pilots and aspiring instrument pilots now and in the future.
PPL/IR Europe is open to any pilot interested in the operation of light aircraft under IFR in Europe.
PPL/IR Europe has amongst its objectives:
- To be a source of Continuous Professional Development for Private IFR pilots.
- To provide the support a professional gets from their Operations Department.
- To represent the needs of the Private IFR pilot to the Authorities.
- To assist the Authorities in the framing and modification of regulation.
- To provide a mutually supportive community of Private IFR pilots.
Please go to www.pplir.org and join us.